CS373 Blog Week of Oct 26 — Nov 1
What did you do this past week?
I had plenty of work to take care of for other classes, so that took most of my time this week. Related to software engineering, I polished off a few bugs on the frontend for our site and got filtering set up for our models. I am still working on the highlighting, as I am unsure what to use for that and where I should store the appropriate data.
What’s in your way?
I have a lot of due dates this upcoming week and we just pushed through a few api changes which will require some refactoring and rewriting on the frontend. Everything should ultimately return the right data once we have it going though. Another benefit will be easier linking between instances of other models, but that still spells more work for frontend.
What will you do next week?
Most of my time will be spent taking care of some big assignments in other classes, and then rounding out the requirements for Phase 3. Thankfully I had a mostly productive weekend and I am not overly concerned about tackling the upcoming challenges.
What did you think of The Interface Segregation Principle?
I thought that the atm example was an interesting example for design patterns. The original and even first revision designs seemed like they would ensure goals of OOD, but actually had glaring issues with code extensibility and had multiple issues depending on client specifications. I think that the ISP is a useful design practice to create good code that can be built on top of without significant fears of breaking older programs.
What was your experience of instance methods, class methods, static methods, regex, and relational algebra?
I can’t say that the discussion of method types was particularly useful, as I have had extensive experience with them through my programming career. Regex was nice to cover, as I am significantly less afraid of it after the lecture in class. It is easy to see a regular expression string and assume it is almost nonsense, but they are not the worst to work through. Relational algebra is useful to cover and I am looking forward to gaining a good foundation in SQL in this course.
What made you happy this week?
I finally figured out what to write for a big paper in one of my classes. It took a big weight off of my shoulders, and I have really enjoyed working through my ideas.
What is your pick-of-the-week?
After having it set up for our project, I have been super happy with buddy. My partner who worked on it has only good things to say, which has never been my experience with setting up an external pipeline. It is very straightforward and just worked!