CS373 Blog Week of 2 Nov — 8 Nov
What did you do this past week?
I had an incredibly busy week. This class alone offered plenty of challenges as we got filtering and searching implemented (and caught up bugs and various other issues). Aside from that I had a big paper due in another class which ate up a lot of my time, but I am happy with how it turned out.
Naturally I also got the wonderful anxiety from watching election results as they came in and the amount of pushback and protest that has already occurred.
What’s in your way?
I have an oddly large amount of work due by the time I go to sleep on Monday, and that has already consumed a chunk of my Sunday. I can only assume I will be far too busy throughout the day tomorrow.
What will you do next week?
I want to take a short break from the software engineering project, but will definitely get in some user stories soon and take care of a few things that have been bothering me with the site. It seems like the modus operandi for phase 4 is refactoring and beautification, which will be a nice change of pace from the race to meet the requirements for our deliverables.
What did you think of The Dependency Inversion Principle?
I think that it is a valuable lesson in how deceivingly interconnected a lot of code can become through dependencies. I like the idea that dependencies flow to everything that they can, the only way to keep them separate is by having abstract classes that actually don’t know the specific physical side of their functionality. The best example of that being the button class which doesn’t know how it is activated or how it effects the outside world. Because of that strategic ignorance it is highly mobile and flexible implementation that can be placed on top of any set of implementations and clients.
What was your experience of relational algebra in Python?
I am mainly just excited to actually learn the SQL that corresponds to those operations. It has been interesting to really understand the relational algebra through python implementations, but by now I am quite ready to actually learn SQL.
What made you happy this week?
A few of my professors were incredibly understanding how busy and important the week was due to the election and offered a bit of lenience that alleviated some of my stress.
What’s your pick-of-the-week?
Be very careful using Prettier, as git will register a change in your entire frontend. With that said, it is useful for some formatting needs if your group has struggled with consistent styling, just make sure everything is ready to go before you run it!