CS 373 Blog 7
What did you do this past week?
For this class I started on learning all the new tools, react, react router, react bootstrap, recharts. Thankfully I don’t mind throwing on some music and reading through the docs. Later in the week I have been working on the logic for routing to the pages, which was super simple for model pages, home page, and the static ones. I just figured out how to use the react router hooks to have the proper links route to an instance with props set off of the url.
What’s in your way?
Myself and the other programmer working on frontend are waiting on having some functional api calls to make sure that we are filling the state variables properly from the response json. I am hoping that it will work since the syntax is identical.
What will you do next week?
I need to set up testing for parts of our instances and routing. I also need some for the navbar since it has had some glitches despite my frequent wrangling over the past few days. Past that, I definitely need to review for the first midterm. The first one is always the most worrisome as you never really know the format.
Depending on how all of that goes, I plan on getting more into the technical report and my obligations as full stack might require some serious pivots to the backend depending on what the team needs.
The Open-closed principle.
I found the article to be really informative with respect to the motivations and power of OOP, when employed correctly. It was interesting to see how OOP is meant to be used and how many of its advantages are not necessarily implicit, but rather have to be designed around.
What was your experience with iterators, generators, and yield?
I found generators to be extremely interesting, I haven’t interacted with that sort of feature before and was surprised that they are built around on an iterator-like structure to allow lazy computing. Yield in the past never made sense to me, but was explained well in this context. It is imaginable that a function would have specific output and behavior at runtime that would differ from its artifacts as a generator.
What made you happy this week?
My week was significantly less stressful than the previous one so it was a nice break before a big upcoming week. It was sadly damaged by the heartbreaking loss against OU yesterday, but what can you do?
What’s your tip of the week?
If you are working on frontend and diving into React, do not underestimate the power of hooks. I don’t see them come up on a lot of quick React guides because they definitely differ from the normal looking React behavior. With that said, they are extremely useful to reuse some state logic. Also, some of the dependencies you will probably use, such as React Router, include some really powerful hooks that you should take advantage of.